Monday, September 5, 2011

It's been a while ...

WHOA! So it's been a very. long. while since I've posted anything in this blog. Since I've been pondering on writing 1. to keep me occupied 2. to put my thoughts and feelings onto a page and 3. because sometimes for some unknown reason it's nice to write and then read what you have written. I have to be honest: even though I may not always write every day, I do plan to start writing again.

There seems to be many things that I want to share. Here's what I promise: 1. Sometimes the blogs won't always be so serious. 2. Sometimes they'll be short and sweet. 3. Sometimes they may show what we do day-to-day while we wait and 4. Sometimes they may be just flat out silly. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

And let the new blogging journey begin .......

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