Monday, September 12, 2011


Okay ... I've been playing around with Blogger titles. I've had:

1. WAGS (Air Force) Family

2. THIS & THAT of our life in ...

And now:


I really like flutterbies... I mean butterflies. A. LOT. They're one of my favorite winged creatures that God created. I love how they flutter here and there ... and when they pause to take a break, it's like they're taking in the scenery or planning their next move. Butterflies represent new life. Consider the process of becoming a butterfly. It's amazing -- They're amazing!!   GOD. IS. AMAZING.  

Self  needs. Death. New Life.

The caterpillar  focuses on its needs. Then it appears dead in the cocoon, emerging into a beautiful butterfly. Taking its rightful place as it was meant to be.  

2 Corinthians 5:17(NKJV)

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
So what do you think about the new blogger title: Flutterbyes? I purposefully spelled the ending "byes" because many things in life come and go -- they're fleeting, fluttering here and there, taking its rightful place in our life. Those fleeting moments, seasons, and times in our life become memories -- those are what we hang onto.

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