Friday, January 6, 2012

Crochet Project 1: Complete

A couple months ago a friend's friend taught me how to crochet. My friend is absolutely AMAZING at crocheting and I am super thankful she's willing to teach me how to do different things!

First project: a scarf for our daughter. I told Mariah that the first project would be a scarf and asked her if she'd like one. We went to Michael's and she picked out the yarn for her scarf and then headed to my friend's home. 

It seriously did not take me a couple months to finish this scarf. It was really quite easy to do, actually, and I'm amazed that I was able to finish it. However, I can OFFICIALLY say it is COMPLETE. For THE. LONGEST. TIME. I pondered on flowers. I wanted to put a flower cluster on the scarf, but every time I put a solid flower against the pattern, it just did not seem to fit.
Finished scarf #1

After talking with my sweet friend and asking her opinion, she confirmed what I had thought about putting flowers on the scarf. She gave me advice on making a hat of a coordinating color and putting a different color of flower on the hat which still coordinates with the scarf. Mariah wanted a hat of the same color as her scarf; however, I asked if she'd accept something different and told her the idea. She cannot wait to see the hat.
Mariah and her new scarf ...
Mariah is VERY pleased with her scarf and "can't wait to have a hat to match", which means I better get busy learning how to do that.

Stay tuned to see how the hat turns out ...

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