Monday, March 18, 2013

Time to Dance

Wow! Has it really been about 6 months since I last did a blog post?! Time has flown by and I have surely missed writing.

Speaking of time, it is time to change that. I am back and it is time to dance. I will not promise any more daily and weekly posts, but I will promise a blog post at least once a week. The post may be a menu or new recipe item in our home, stories of faith and love and Jesus, struggles and how to cope, stories by friends, our kids, or maybe a word from my husband (MAYBE being the keyword). The post could possibly even include our travels as we are in the process of setting up, yet again, another move cross country.

My goal for these blog posts are to leave you encouraged, full of faith, and wanting you to dance along with us as we walk, run, dance, and drive-thru life. 

Before I go, sometimes we are not prepared to get wet, but it is the attitude while we are in the rain (or storm) that matters. So are you are ready to dance? I am. You can go in your flip flops, tennis shoes, heels, or barefoot if you would like.

I think I'll go barefoot ... will you join me?


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