Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tooty Tuesday

New blog regular: Tooty Tuesday. This is where I'll "toot my own horn" on what I'm thankful for, in no particular order:

#1. Great friends! These are seriously hard to come by. I'm thankful that God has allowed some great people to be planted into our lives.

#2. God's Word. Without it, I'm completely lost.

#3. Calendar on my phone. If I don't note it in on my calendar, I WILL forget it.

#4. My husband. He's my best friend. Life is always nicer with him and I together! 

#5. Vacations.

#6. Even though I'm with our kiddos pretty much 24/7, I was reminded how much they'd miss me if I'm "gone" (explained in Kids Needs Mom)

#7. Cleanliness. <--- that explains itself. :)

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