Here's to 2012. A year full of new opportunities, possibilities, and adventures. A year full learning new things. A year full of continuing to foster new growth on old things.
On top of my "resolutions" for 2012, there are a few things I am wanting to try and/or continue to foster new growth in. In no particular order:
1. Learn more about crocheting and producing more finished products.
2. Extreme couponing, to not so extreme measures. Have you seen the price of food lately??
3. Caring for myself, husband, and childrens' health needs.
4. Rollerblading and/or biking. Do you know how long it's been since I've rode a bike? A. VERY. LONG. TIME.
5. Organize our homeschool in such a way that it benefits my needs and our childrens' needs. This ranges from reorganizing homeschool furniture w/the possible need to replace some with new furniture, creating proper files, curriculum that matches our educational needs, etc.
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7. Photography -- learn more about and improve on taking photos. It's funny how I'm by far NOT a photographer, yet when I look at old photos and compare them to photos I've taken recently, I have improved GREATLY over the years!!
8. Serving in the community. This could be at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or church. I miss serving those in need of love, being cared for, and needing friendship.
These are some things I'd like to work on throughout the year. Do you have any projects that you are working on, want to finish, or new things you'd like to learn this year?? We now have 364 days left of 2012. Have to get started now because before we know it, July will be here and we all will be saying "Where has this year gone?" At the end of this year, or anytime in between, I want to be able to look back and know that there were new opportunities, new possibilities, and new adventures taken advantage of! :)
I'd like to get back into making my own laundry detergent and maybe branch into dishwasher detergent and hand soap. We shall see.
That sounds awesome! I've never considered making our own laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent. I imagine it'd definitely help save some dollars since those are two quite expensive reoccurring expenses. :)
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