Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Have you ever been to the point of exhaustion? Or maybe to the point of burnout? Have you ever wondered what more could you do to get things completed faster? Or maybe you have thought about just quitting, afterall, it seems easier doesn't it?

These are the questions that have been running through my mind the last couple months. I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that there is a TON on my plate. If there was a literal plate, mine would be overflowing with all kinds of things -- all of them good, but at the same time, there's just sooooo much! Is there anything I can do to minimize this? Not really. So, it's one of those times where you just have to roll up your sleeves and take the nitty with the gritty (or however that goes). :)

Today's good news is brought to you by Liberty University. Okay, well the good news was actually given to me, but I want to share it with you.

I called Liberty to change my degree program to a BS in Early Childhood Education Interdisciplinary. My degree plan was set at a BS in Psychology Christian Counseling. While I still feel that I can do this sort of "job", my heart is in a family child care/development setting. Originally my degree completion would end in March 2015, attending at the current pace I have been attending (summer breaks, two classes in the fall, four in the spring). However, after the academic adviser informed me of how I can accelerate a lot quicker, I seriously felt like I had just heard THE BEST NEWS EVER (besides knowing that Jesus died on the Cross for me and wants to have a personal relationship with me).

It is most certain, or at least it feels that way, that the reason why this feels like THE BEST NEWS EVER is because I am absolutely burnout on attending college. For once I want to have my mind blank (umm, I'm a female and there's just no possible way this could happen, huh?) and not worry about college classes, reading tons of material, answering questions and quizzes, and taking tests. I want to have the freedom to come and go as I please with our children and do things as a family, to take many more date nights with my husband without school getting in the way.

At the same time, I know once I earn this degree it will be one of the most rewarding things I have accomplished. It will have been earned with rapid heartbeats to meet deadlines, procrastination, thorough examination of material given, and lots and LOTS of tears. It will be so worth it! It WILL BE rewarding!

Picture by ME.
So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will now graduate around 15 August 2014. Yes, on this accelerated path I will have to overlap sub-terms. This fall I will overlap so much that at one point I will be in FOUR CLASSES (someone help me now, please!) for four short (not so much) weeks! Several times I will be in three classes at a time for two to three weeks at time. BUT ... it will all be worth it when I can finally say that I have graduated with a Bachelor degree, one that will be so rewarding to put to use -- not just financially, but in that "warm fuzzy" heart kind of way!

THERE IS A LIGHT at the end of the tunnel that is growing increasingly brighter!! THANK YOU, LORD for answering this prayer about what I should do concerning school! His provision NEVER FAILS!

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