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Why do we join so many things? To feel wanted? Needed?
Do we need all these groups? Do we want all this attention?
A part of me says that it is nice to join groups to stay connected to human life outside of our own daily humdrums.
A part of me says that it is nice to join groups to stay connected to human life outside of our own daily humdrums. |
Another part of me says that we join all of these groups could be a discouragement to be something for everyone that I just may not be able to live up to.
The nice thing? It is just as easy to unjoin as it is to join.
I love to encourage others. Life is a challenge and we ALL need a cheerleader from time to time.
Joining a desired group, study, friends -- it is not such a bad thing.
To be honest -- it helps spread my wings.
It helps me be creative -- something I often feel that I am not.
What do you want to join? What do you want to be part of?
Go for it.
This post comes to you as part of a Five Minute Friday, a "writing flash mob" that I decided to JOIN from my friend over here at her blog where I seen this idea. I love it! I love to write and love to just get my thoughts onto paper ... or the screen. It is my hope that my blog posts may touch the heart of the reader (that would you) and/or something that I may be going through in life may resonate within the reader (that would be you, again) and that we may encourage one another.
You can seen more bloggers joining this "writing flash mob" over here.
From the website:
The simple rules of participation:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
Hi Tina. It is my absolute privilege that you are the very first person ever I am commenting on with Five Minute Friday. I thought your post was great as it brought up such a good point that I hand't even thought of - that we can always unjoin. Loved it.
It is so nice to be able to unjoin certain things to leave space for joining where we need and want to be. So glad you joined FMF this week.
We all have different reasons for joining and I think we gain a lot but as you say if it is too much we can always un join. That made me think and I realised I would miss the blogging world. As you say it does give an outlet to be creative. I came by your blog from 5 minute Friday. Behind The Smile.
I really love this! Sorry it took me a whole week to get over here :D
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