With all of the recent Facebook changes, I have some updates of my own, here, on my blog. Please keep reading, as you'll find a complete list of Facebook status updates. You won't be able to find these updates on my Facebook profile (all but one). They are here, for your viewing pleasure, in one place, no games, no extra news feeds to get through, or anything. Aren't I nice to provide you with this convenience?
Friday, 9/23/2011 @ 3:52 p.m:
Facebook, why do you keep changing things? I understand that it's to keep up with and maintain a "competitive" edge. I appreciate that this social network if FREE 99, but sheesh, I don't EVER plan to be technology savvy, just be at the point of using a computer and being able to navigate around web pages. Sooo ... if you wouldn't mind, stop making such HUGE changes all at one. THANK YOU!
Friday, 9/23/2011 @ 9:20 p.m:
Umm, so I'm usually Skyping with my sweetness at this time; however, he has not come online. I'm hoping and praying everything is okay and that just possibly he is getting some MUCH needed rest.
Friday, 9/23/2011 @ 9:45 p.m:
Still no call. Trust me. When you're a military spouse and when you're use to hearing from your military man (or wife), there is no doubt that a thousand thoughts race through your mind, your heart beats a thousand times a minute, and your eyes stay on the watery side. Really praying that he's resting and will wake up soon to let me know he's okay ... praying that he is actually sleeping and nothing else is going on -- in Jesus Name.
Friday, 9/23/2011 @ 10:15 p.m:
Well, still no word from my dear husband. I'm still going stir-crazy, but am feeling a little better on the inside. There is no doubt he's okay. Certain we'll be talking soon. If not, I'm calling the command post here to be transferred there in 45 minutes.
Friday, 9/23/2011 @ 10:30 p.m:
My heart is calm. Thank You, Jesus. There is no doubt that Mr. Sweetness is sleeping. I know he's been tired, so I'm thankful he's getting some much needed and deserved rest. Thank You, LORD, for that!
Friday, 9/23/2011 @ 10:45 p.m:
YAY!! Honey just sent me a text message from his email apologizing and asking if I'd like to Skype. I'm getting on Skype now. Just found out that he got off work 2 hours early, set his alarm clock, and went to sleep without turning the clock on. I know he feels bad for causing me to worry. All is perfect, again ... well, almost. It'd be perfect if he was home.
Saturday, 9/24/2011 @ 7:30 a.m:
Woke up this morning feeling ultra tired, achy, sore, face hurting, and I have a headache. Back to bed I go after Instant Messaging with my Sweetness and getting some breakfast and water.
Saturday, 9/24/2011 @ 12:30 p.m:
No real relief from that so called rest. You know what? Quite frankly I'm tired of not getting any real rest. Maybe I should start sleeping on the couch. Maybe this loneliness-sleeping-in-our-bed feeling is what's doing me in?!
Saturday, 9/24/2011 @ 2:00 p.m:
I'm going back to sleep. I can't handle the aches. Maybe I should just go soak in a HOT bath instead? Maybe that would help? I think my dear sweetness should HURRY UP (as if he has any control of it) and get home. Just MAYBE I'll be able to get that awesome rest ... maybe?
Saturday, 9/24/2011 @ 7:00 p.m:
Not feeling too bad. Maybe the shower will help with some of the aches and pains.
Saturday, 9/24/2011 @ 7:30 p.m:
God, YOU amaze me!! You're always right on time with encouragement! I am truly grateful for my "other" best friend, Amber. No matter the miles that separate us, I will be forever thankful for the sisterhood we shared when we were stationed near each other!! And I know that no matter what, we can always pick up where we left off, regardless of how long it's been! :)
Saturday, 9/24/2011 @ 11:50 p.m:
Cannot believe that I'm going to be asleep before midnight after all of the resting I have done today! I am sleeping with a heating pad to help with some of the aches in my lower back/hips.
Sunday, 9/25/2011 @ 7:50 a.m:
What a WONDERFUL sleep I had last night!! THANK YOU JESUS!! I feel so rested, I couldn't go back to sleep if I wanted to!
Sunday, 9/25/2011 @ 9:00 a.m:
Straightening my hair. It's almost time to Skype with William. Yes, I NEED to look nice for him, even though the video quality on Skype hasn't been so great lately. BUT, we do still get to see each other.
Sunday, 9/25/2011 @ 10:00 a.m:
Are you ready for some football?! I am .... and it's even better to Skype with William during the games. It "feels" like he's "right here" with us.
Okay ... so that's the end of a 48 hour run on status updates. We now return you to your scheduled programming ....
Have an amazing end to the weekend and enjoy the last week of September friends!
We now return to your scheduled programming ... |
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