Apart from my busy life ... homework for classes that are condensed into 5 weeks of learning verses 8-10 weeks, homeschooling our three kiddos, being a wife and hoping that I'm doing a good job at it, taking care of our home which sometimes I don't do such a good job, <---- but that's okay because it's still presentable for guests, and working with William on remodeling our master bathroom ... I am taking a break from it all for 8 hours this weekend. It's my need to catch some fresh air and do something that doesn't involve anything strenuous, other than what to put on a 12x12 page. That's. It.
Apart from continuing to learn new scrapbooking skills, I do agree with the kids ... my skills at taking photos has improved GREATLY!! Since I'll be scrapbooking on a regular basis now, I'm going to subscribe to Shutterfly's package deal ... 600 prints for $54! That's a DEAL!! And that's A LOT of photos!!! And that's A LOT of scrapbook pages waiting to be completed!!! :)
I'm happy ........... oh! And I've been informed by Andrew (our oldest child who is 11.5 years old) that I should make each of the kids an album that they can take with them when they move out. This is so they'll have those memories with them, too. Hmm ... he's right. A good album full of memories is always great to look at, especially when you're missing family. And according to him, he wants to go into the military ... "just like dad". <---- he'll need that album while he's away from his family, huh? More motivation to get these scrapbooks done. I'm excited!!!
By the way ... scrapbooking is so much more fun than just inserting photos into a photo album. There's more depth given to the photos on the page ... and depending on what layouts and embellishments are used, the page helps tell the story of the photos.
P.S. I have been told by all three kids and my wonderful hubby that they can't wait to see what pages I complete